System Improvement Expectations

ConnectWise PSA + CPQ

Let's Make Some Improvements

Embark on a journey to transform and optimize your Professional Services Automation (PSA) system.

At Sierra Pacific Group, we understand the importance of a well-functioning PSA system in driving efficiency, enhancing productivity, and supporting your overall business goals. Through our proven expertise and deep industry knowledge, we are here to guide you every step of the way.

In this section, we will delve into the key aspects of our PSA Improvement projects, highlighting the recommended attendees and prep work needed to be successful through each project phase.

PHASE 1: Structre & Core Settings

Find out about the services we offer by clicking the link below to get in touch with our team.

Why This Phase Is Important:

Embarking on the road to PSA improvement begins with laying a robust and unshakable foundation — a phase pivotal to the trajectory of your project's success.

During this phase, we initiate a meticulous alignment of your company's objectives with a well-sculpted vision, an endeavor that calls for a harmonious blend of innovation and pragmatism. It is a phase where strategy meets foresight, where every layer is designed to resonate with your core business values, ensuring a seamless journey through the subsequent phases.

Your engagement in this phase is not just participatory; it’s visionary.

Meet The Dept Director:

Meet Matthew Connolly, your beacon during this transformative journey. Bringing to the table unparalleled expertise as the Director of PSA/CPQ Systems Consulting, Matthew embodies a treasure trove of insights and strategies, all at your disposal to catalyze your project's journey to pinnacle success.


Matthew Connolly

Director of PSA/CPQ Systems Consulting

Log In To Elevate:

Welcome to Elevate, Sierra Pacific Group’s reservoir of "proven practices". Here, in this cultivated space, we house a dynamic repository of resources, videos, and SOPs designed to foster growth, innovation, and synergy among IT/MSP industry leaders.

As part of your PSA improvement project journey, you get exclusive access to this sanctuary of knowledge.


Recommended Visionaries:

We recommend you invite the following "visionaries" to all recurring calls during this phase of the project:

  • Business Owner (CEO)
  • Sales Leader (Director/Manager)
  • Service Leader (Director/Manager)
  • Finance Leader (Controller/CFO)

A Visionary Defines Strategic Direction

In a PSA improvement project with Sierra Pacific Group, a Project Visionary serves a critical role that goes beyond mere leadership functions. In partnership with the SPG team, the visionary helps define and articulate a strategic direction that is both ambitious and achievable. Their role is anchored in a solid understanding of industry trends, as well as the unique goals and values of your organization.

The Visionary plays an essential role in decision-making, strategy validation, and providing innovative input. They are not just participants but key influencers who guide the project toward its intended outcomes, ensuring it aligns with overarching company objectives.

A Visionary Communicates Business Objectives

Their involvement is not confined to one domain but extends across various functions—whether it's the CEO, Sales Leader, Service Leader, or Finance Leader. Each visionary brings a layer of depth and dimension to the project, enabling a more comprehensive and holistic approach to achieving success.

By incorporating the insights of a Project Visionary, the project is better positioned not only to meet its immediate goals but also to set the stage for long-term growth and sustainability. Their role is crucial in translating strategic vision into actionable plans, thereby ensuring the project’s alignment with broader business objectives.


Phase 1 Sessions:

We will work on the following initiatives during this phase:

Finalized Chart of Accounts (COA)

Why Review?: A well-structured COA doesn't just make financial reporting more accurate; it serves as the backbone of your business analytics. A misaligned COA can obscure the true financial health of projects, potentially leading to flawed strategic decisions.

Locations & Group Requirements

Why Review?: Locations and groups aren't mere labels; they're workflow enablers. Getting them wrong can bottleneck information flow and cripple productivity. It's not just about reflecting your organizational structure—it's about enhancing its operational efficiency.

Member Role Requirements

Why Review?: Clarifying member roles transcends simple job descriptions. It defines inter-team dynamics and sets the stage for a more collaborative, accountable, and efficient work environment. Errors here can result in work duplication, resource misallocation, and ultimately, lost revenue.

Security Role Requirements

Why Review?: In an era of escalating cyber threats, imprecise security roles don't just risk data breaches—they risk your company's reputation and compliance status. A well-designed security framework ensures data integrity and trust, both internally and with clients.

Work Roles/Work Types/Charge Codes

Why Review?: These categories are the building blocks of your operational metrics. Poorly defined work roles and charge codes can muddy reporting and make it impossible to identify profit or loss centers, thus impairing your ability to scale efficiently.

Agreement Types & Agreements

Why Review?: Contract management extends beyond legalese. How you classify and manage agreements directly influences customer satisfaction, retention rates, and revenue recognition. Get this wrong, and you risk client relationships and long-term profitability.

Product Categories & Sub Categories

Why Review?: A disorganized product inventory isn't just a logistical nightmare. It hampers your ability to upsell, cross-sell, or even understand your own product performance metrics, thus leaving revenue on the table.

Company Types & Statuses

Why Review?: The right classification isn't administrative trivia; it's a linchpin in your customer relationship management strategy. Incorrect or outdated classifications can misdirect marketing efforts and distort the sales pipeline, affecting both top-line and bottom-line metrics.


Post Phase Homework:

After we wrap up our sessions for phase 1, the following items will be assigned as homework:

  • Make any required adjustments to COA
  • Update GL Mapping as needed
  • Cleanup existing Finance Areas
    • Agreements
    • Opportunities
    • Timesheets
    • Expense reports
    • Invoicing
    • Update Members settings to align with correct role

PHASE 2: Service Operations

Find out about the services we offer by clicking the link below to get in touch with our team.

Why This Phase Is Important:

A well-defined PSA platform stands as a testament to organization, a structured space where clarity meets precision, allowing for a fluid operational dynamic that is both efficient and effective.

Within this stage, we not only set the foundational blocks for better service and happier clients, but also define the operational boundaries, determining how various functionalities will intertwine to create a cohesive, seamless working environment.

Taking the time to adequately address this phase minimizes the chance of duplicative work in the subsequent stages of the project. By focusing on establishing concrete workflow rules, setting clear standards for service and project boards, and defining roles meticulously, we plant seeds for a future devoid of redundant tasks. 

Meet The Dept Director:

Meet Matthew Connolly, your beacon during this transformative journey. Bringing to the table unparalleled expertise as the Director of PSA/CPQ Systems Consulting, Matthew embodies a treasure trove of insights and strategies, all at your disposal to catalyze your project's journey to pinnacle success.


Matthew Connolly

Director of PSA/CPQ Systems Consulting

Log In To Elevate:

Welcome to Elevate, Sierra Pacific Group’s reservoir of "proven practices". Here, in this cultivated space, we house a dynamic repository of resources, videos, and SOPs designed to foster growth, innovation, and synergy among IT/MSP industry leaders.

As part of your PSA improvement project journey, you get exclusive access to this sanctuary of knowledge.


Recommended POCs:

We recommend you invite the following "Points of Contact" to all recurring calls during this phase of the project:

Service Leaders: To provide insight into the daily operations and the specific needs of the service department.

Project Managers: To offer a perspective on managing projects efficiently while aligning with the company objectives.

In the context of your PSA improvement project with Sierra Pacific Group, an individual designated to facilitate communication and coordination between different entities involved in a project or a business relationship.

They act as the bridge connecting all vital players, streamlining the flow of information and ensuring everyone stays on the same page

Communication Hub

Detail: Act as the central node for all communications, ensuring a smooth and continuous flow of information between all parties involved. Sharing this information with the rest of your team is possible in your Client Portal.

Benefit: Avoids information silos and ensures that all stakeholders are well-informed.

Clarification and Confirmation

Detail: Address queries and provide clarifications, offering detailed insights when necessary to avoid misunderstandings.

Benefit: Ensures that all parties have a clear understanding, promoting a harmonious working relationship.

Feedback Loop

Detail: Gathering feedback from various stakeholders and communicating it appropriately to facilitate improvements and adjustments.

Benefit: Creates a loop for continuous improvement, enhancing the project’s efficiency and effectiveness.

Resource Allocation and Management

Detail: Oversees the allocation and management of resources, ensuring optimal utilization.

Benefit: Ensures the project stays on track with adequate resources, avoiding delays and budget overruns.

Documentation and Record Keeping

Detail: Responsible for maintaining a meticulous record of all communications and developments throughout the project.

Benefit: Aids in keeping track of the project’s progress and facilitates transparency.

Conflict Resolution

Detail: Steps in to mediate and resolve conflicts that may arise during the project, ensuring a harmonious working environment.

Benefit: Maintains a positive and collaborative working environment, fostering progress and growth.


Phase 2 Sessions:

We recommend you and your team prepare the following information to ensure optimal productivity on consulting sessions:

  • SLA Matrix for future state
  • Workflow Rules for VIP Contacts
  • Required Service Board & Settings
    • Statuses
    • Workflow Rules
    • Standard Notes
  • Required Project Boards & Settings
    • Statuses
    • Workflow Rules
    • Standard Notes
  • Changes required for Type, Subtype, and Items
  • Teams and Team Leaders
  • Time & Expense Approval Process
  • Configuration Types
  • Requirements for Calendar Sync, Email connectors, and Customer Portals

SLA Matrix for Future State

Definition: Establishing a Service Level Agreement matrix that outlines the service standards to be met in the future.

Purpose: To set clear expectations and standards for service delivery, facilitating client satisfaction and service efficiency.

Workflow Rules for VIP Contacts

Definition: Creating a set of rules and procedures for handling VIP contacts.

Purpose: To ensure prioritized and tailored service delivery, enhancing relationships with key stakeholders.

Required Service Board & Settings

Definition: Setting up boards to manage service operations with defined statuses, workflow rules, standard notes, etc.

Purpose: To streamline service processes and ensure organized, efficient handling of service tasks.

Required Project Boards & Settings

Definition: Establishing boards to manage projects with delineated statuses, workflow rules, standard notes, etc.

Purpose: To oversee project progression effectively and ensure timely completion with expected standards.

Changes Required for Type, Subtype, and Items

Definition: Reviewing and revising the categorizations for better alignment with service objectives.

Purpose: To facilitate precise reporting and tracking, enhancing operational efficiency.

Teams and Team Leaders

Definition: Defining team structures and appointing leaders for streamlined operations.

Purpose: To foster collaboration and ensure clear directives in service operations, encouraging a proactive approach to project management.

Time & Expense Approval Process

Definition: Setting up a process for the approval of time logs and expenses incurred.

Purpose: To maintain a fair and transparent system for time and expense approvals, avoiding discrepancies and fostering trust.

Configuration Types

Definition: Outlining different configurations needed for the seamless functioning of service operations.

Purpose: To set a foundation for flexible and adaptable service operations, prepared to meet diverse client needs.

Requirements for Calendar Sync, Email Connectors, and Customer Portals

Definition: Establishing the necessary setups for synchronization and connectivity through various platforms.

Purpose: To ensure smooth communication and scheduling, enhancing the efficiency of operations.


Post Phase Homework:

Here's a list of tasks that must be completed prior to starting this phase:

  • Update Configurations
  • Update internal process for your team following the 'Proven Practices' guidelines training

Update Configurations

Definition: Making necessary amendments in the existing configurations to match the newly defined standards.

Purpose: To align all elements harmoniously for a cohesive working environment, paving the way for success.

Update Internal Process for Your Team Following the Proven Practices Guidelines Training

Definition: Revamping internal processes as per the guidelines acquired from the proven practices training.

Purpose: To ensure the team operates following the best practices, ensuring a higher success rate in service delivery.

Ready to Chat? Schedule an Intro Call!

We know it's not easy to ask for help.

Your team is smart, and absolutely capable of optimizing your systems. However, it takes time and experience to do so effectively. Time that would be better spent servicing clients.

That's where we come in. Sierra Pacific Group can help determine, on a brief Intro Call, if we can cut down the time it takes to reach your goal  with execution, consulting, or support.

because time is more than just money to service providers; it's your compeitive advantage.

We kick things off with our Intro Call

This isn't just about us talking - we're here to listen. We're eager to dive into the depths of your IT business processes, operations, and understand your dreams and nightmares related to your systems. 

We'll share a bit about ourselves

Our values, what sets us apart from the crowd of consulting firms, and how our services could ignite a transformation in your business.

We'll brainstorm potential solutions for your business

Not just for the immediate future, but for the longer term too. If we both feel that this could be the start of a great partnership, we'll take things to the next level with a high-level assessment on an Explore Session.