Picon Consulting is now Sierra Pacific Group! Learn more about our recent merger HERE

Sierra Pacific Group is now part of MSP+OS
On November 1st, 2023, a significant merger took place between ConnectStrat, Delta Vida, Sierra Pacific Group, Stack Advisors, and XPM2 to form the largest IT consultancy in the sector.

Stop Putting Out Fires, Start Building Better

We are consultants, but at one point - we were sitting in your seat. 

We deeply understand the fires, chaos, turbulence, or confusion you may currently be experiencing — because we have been there. If you have been saying any of these things, it may be the right time to chat with a consultant and design a solution.

No Time To Train
There's never enough time to train your people and run your business
Wearing Too Many Hats  (3)
You are wearing too many hats, working in the business instead of on the business
People & Process
People aren't following processes, and it's hindering efficiency and profitability
Data Accuracy & Reporting (2)
You don't have the right reports to keep your team accountable or make decisions
Dont Know
You don't know what you don't know, and its frustrating to grow and scale that way 
Tools & Subscriptions
Too many tools, too many subscriptions, none of them optimized or integrated

The truth is: spot fixing systems creates chaos

At SPG, we believe that true success is not only measured by short-term achievements, but by lasting impact. Our focus is on creating sustainable solutions that position your organization for long-term growth and prosperity.

Learn more about how we do this for clients by meeting our team and creating an System Improvement Plan!

We Support The Systems You Rely On

System Administration
Virtual Admin Services
N-Central RMM
Virtual Bookkeeping
Virtual Admin Services
QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Desktop
System Integration
Fixed Fee Project
Microsoft PowerBI
On-Demand Consulting
Block Time
ConnectWise PSA
ConnectWise CPQ
ConnectWise RMM
System Improvement
Fixed Fee Project
ConnectWise PSA
ConnectWise CPQ
ConnectWise RMM
System Implementation
Fixed Fee Project
N-Central RMM
On-Demand Consulting
Block Time
N-Central RMM
System Improvement
Fixed Fee Project
N-Central RMM
System Administration
Virtual Admin Services
ConnectWise PSA
ConnectWise RMM
System Implementation
Fixed Fee Project
ConnectWise PSA
ConnectWise CPQ
ConnectWise RMM
System Integration
Fixed Fee Project
QuickBooks Online
Quickbooks desktop
System Administration
Virtual Admin Services
Microsoft PowerBI

Introducing Elevate: A 'Proven Pactices' Library for SPG Members Only

Your team can access our Elevate site, that houses our documentation, custom Powershell Scripts, and proven practices for your systems and operations.
Our processes were designed for IT businesses who seek efficiency and growth, by real world consultants who have "been there, done that".


Case Study | Terminal B

Terminal B realized their initial ConnectWise Automate implementation couldn’t keep up with their evolved service delivery. Patches failed to implement, alerting was inaccurate, and they’d waste time chasing those false alerts. Without someone to own and optimize their Automate setup, Terminal B would definitely run into these roadblocks over and over again.

  • 400 hours saved with the deployment of automated scripts
  • Increase billable hours by 12+ per tech
  • Shaved 2 hours off their desktop set up and delivery process

“We’re about 18 months into our partnership with SPG. I simply will never stop working with them.” - Greg Bibeau, Managing Director of Terminal B

Case study

Blog posts

Is Outsourced Accounting Right for Your IT Business?
In the IT industry, strategic decision-making and efficient operations are crucial for success. One of the most impactful...
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Thinking About Engaging With MSP+OS for a Systems Improvement Project? Here's Everything You Need to Know!
C IT businesses need comprehensive tools (PSA, RMM, CPQ) to streamline processes, enhance operational efficiency, and drive...
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Maximizing Profitability Through Strategic Time-Entry Management
As an IT business owner, you likely understand the importance of sales and cost management but, what about time-entry policies...
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Executing Without Insight is Extremely Expensive

Do you have administrators on your team who can execute and advise? When an administrative task is delegated to a systems expert who does not have an understanding of the business - small changes can result in big problems.

We help build a culture of continuous improvement with our Virtual Administrative Services. 

Common misconceptions We can help address

“It will be easier to work with ConnectWise directly for consulting and implementing.”
We have been you, and now we want to help you achieve peak utilization of the entire ConnectWise suite of products. With 15 years of ConnectWise experience, we know what works for technology businesses. Ask us how you can transfer your consulting hours from ConnectWise to Sierra Pacific if you’ve purchased the Gold Implementation Package.
“I already spent money purchasing the ConnectWise suite of products; I don’t want to spend more to have an expert set it up for me.”
In the long run you will be saving both time and money by having trusted experts handle the implementation of the ConnectWise products. We build a sturdy foundation that will allow for you to expand on how you utilize these tools, without having to reconfigure your set up or scrap the business processes you have put into place.
“I can have a team member handle the setup of ConnectWise for our business.”
They may know your business, but are they ConnectWise experts? Are they versed in industry best practices? Are they aware of common mistakes and how to avoid them? Are they technical experts with 15+ years of experience implementing and optimizing the ConnectWise products to make your business the best it can be? We are.
“Now that I bought the software, my business will automatically start to grow”
The ConnectWise suite of products are tools. When you are using them correctly, they will help you streamline your processes allowing you to scale and grow. Without appropriate implementation and optimization of these tools into your business, buy in from your team, and a strategic business development plan - your business isn’t going to evolve. 
“We are too small for big, complex, or automated processes”
The best time to optimize your PSA or RMM systems is when your team is still small, 5-10 people is ideal. It starts to get more challenging from there. Becuase most people don't unlearn bad habits overnight, it can take a lot longer to "optimize later".
“My business is growing quickly, so we must be doing something right"
For fast growing IT businesses building the structural framework necessary for your business to scale quickly and sustainably is extreamly important. As systems consultants, we understand how to tweak existing processes, configure your systems to support those processes, and leverage workflows to autoamte as much kof those processes as possible. But, we don't stop there. We ensure process adherence with training and mentoring as well. 

We Stand By Our Values

At SPG, we are committed to doing what's right, while working alongside you and your team to bring your vision to life. Our dedicated consultants are driven by the values our company is built upon. We believe it is this foundation that allows us to find clients success quickly, and build a foundation of trust for future challenges.

Learn more

Don't Know, What You Don't Know?

We totally get it.

While it's great that you have a proactive mindset and recognize the potential for improvement in your organization, identifying the specific areas where improvement is needed can be challenging. Especially when you are deeply involved in your own operations.

This is where Sierra Pacific Group can provide valuable expertise.

As consultants, we bring an experienced and objective perspective to your business. Our team will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your current systems, operations, and processes. By gaining a deep understanding of your business, we can identify potential blind spots or inefficiencies that may not be apparent from an internal standpoint. 

Once we identify areas for improvement, we work collaboratively with your team to create a plan of action. This includes strategic recommendations, introducing supporting third-party apps, and providing training and education to upskill your team for efficient day-to-day operations. 

Our goal is to help you discover and implement a better way of doing things. While you may not be aware of all the possibilities yet, together we can uncover areas for improvement and drive your business forward.